Lula asks the Latin American left "positions and actions"


The former president of Brazil and founder of the Forum of Sao Paulo Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, asked this group of the Latin American and Caribbean left "presence, positions and actions" before the difficulties of the present and which maintains "unity" as an "essential" element.

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In a message sent from prison to the meeting of Sao Paulo Forum began this Sunday in Havana, Lula claims that the defense of Latin American integration "is more necessary than ever as a factor of development and confrontation with the economic crisis"

"We must resist attacks on the social and labor rights that occur in many of our countries, "the leader of the Workers' Party said in his message in the media. Lula, who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010, thanked the Forum for its support and solidarity "to my person, to my party PT and to others comrades persecuted by the right in Brazil. "

The right, said the exmandatario," does not know how to coexist with democracy and, with the support of the media and the judiciary, wants to prevent us from returning to the government or recovering dignity, After serving 100 days in jail after being charged with corruption and sentenced to 12 years in prison, the Brazilian politician has reaffirmed his "disagreement" to be behind bars because "d & # 39, an absurd sentence and a jail sentence. "" They want to prevent me from challenging the elections this year, but they would never silence me or prevent me from defending the rights Brazilians, Latin Americans and the Caribbean ", said Lula, who maintains his intention of He recalled when he and Fidel Castro (1926-2016) proposed in 1990 that the Latin American and Caribbean Left should come together to evaluate the "profound transformations" that the world had suffered at that time with the rise of neoliberalism in the economy and in politics, after the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe.

Then they co-founded the Forum of Sao Paulo but they did not foresee "had to grow as and when it grew and managed to remain the space of debates the most important, the widest and most durable compared to the Latin American and Caribbean left in these 28 years.

Lula sees it as an "extraordinary event" that contributed to the implementation, early in the 21st century of several countries in the region implementing programs to fight against poverty, popular participation and integration. [19659003Cependantilaaffirméquelesélites”netolèrentpaslagauchenil'accèsdespersonnebadcluesàleursdroitsminimauxtelsquelanourriturelasantél'éducationetlelogement”etqu'ellescherchentà”réduireetsoumettrel'Etatdémocratiqueetlégal”[19659003] Representatives of left d & # 39 Latin America and the Caribbean have requested this Sunday the liberation of Lula da Silva on the day of the opening of the XXIV Sao Paulo Forum in the Cuban capital, whose main objective is to Is looking for the unit in front of what they consider rent as "attacks" on the right of the "& # 39; imperialism" and neoliberalism. EFE

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