Lula Da Silva secures in prison


Lula, 72, leads all polls three months before the presidential election, despite her arrest and virtual exclusion.

The President of the Regional Court of Fourth Instance Region (TRF-4), Carlos Thompson Flores, suspended this domngo a habeas corpus granted to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and kept the former Brazilian president in prison after a hard legal attack for his freedom.

The leader of the Workers Party (PT) was involved in a battle of judicial decisions between two TRF-4 magistrates, which was decided by the president of the court, based in Porto Alegre.

The Trial The trial began on Sunday morning, when Federal Service Judge Rogerio Favreto of TRF-4 unexpectedly decided to grant Lula an appeal in habeas corpus requested by MPs from PT

. plaudida by the formation of the left, generated a great controversy and the reactions did not take long to arrive in the judicial field.

The first to be pronounced was Federal Judge Sergio Moro, who last year sentenced the former Brazilian president to 9 6 months and 6 months in prison for verifying that he had received a OAS construction company apartment in exchange for benefits with Petrobras contracts.

In a car, Moro challenged Favreto's ability to order Lula's release. The guard immediately came to the stage and kept in a new document the release of the former president urgently.

A few hours later, Judge João Gebran Neto, instructor of Lava Jato in second instance, blocked Lula's order of freedom continuity in prison.

Gebran Neto is one of the three judges who make up the eighth room of the TRF-4, which unanimously sentenced Lula in January to 12 years and a month for pbadive bribery and money laundering. # 39; money.

The legal battle intensified and, in a new car, Favreto insisted and ordered that Lula be released within an hour, but the federal police did not act because of the contradiction between the orders of the two judges.

The chairman of the TRF, however, settled the matter and pointed out that the decision on Lula's freedom is the competence of Lava Jato's instructor in second In his controversial decision, Judge Favreto made argue that the former president's prison prevented him from exercising his rights as a pre-candidate for the presidency of the Republic, which is considered a "new" episode to be taken into account in order to his release.

Lula, 72, leads all the polls three months before the presidential elections, a He was arrested and declared virtually disqualified because the electoral law prevents second-rate convicts from running for election.

The Workers Party (PT), which is planning a meeting in Sao Paulo tomorrow, reiterated the candidacy of its main leader and insisted that there is no "Plan B" for the October elections.

Its president, Gleisi Hoffmann, harshly criticized the decision of the president of TRF-4 to keep Lula in prison and noted that "everything is worth" to "harm" the former president and, therefore, "to democracy and the Brazilian people. "

Lula, meanwhile, is still arrested at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná (south) and epicenter of the operation Lava Jato, who l ' leads to prison.

The exmandatario, who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010, is serving his sentence in a cell isolated from the rest of the prisoners, from where he acom dredged and commented daily through social networks the Cup of the world of Russia 2018.

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