Lunar Calendar: The waning moon of July invites you to go out and close chapters of your life


Carolina Betancourt R. / @carolinabetancourtarmoniablue

The waning and rising moon, plus the two eclipses (one solar and the other lunar) that will occur this month, will allow you to learn and to adjust some things you need. Are you ready?

In July, the sky is charged with energy and it is no wonder that the eclipse season begins July 12, the eclipse of the Sun in Cancer and continues with an eclipse Moon in the aquarium on the 27th of July. (You may also be interested: July Horoscope: the only constant in life is change)

The first week of this month begins the fourth quarter of the moon that means it's time for : [19659005] – Make closures and release what still does not allow you to circulate, when there are outstanding issues, you should find a quick fix, but not the head but the heart, the one you want to do with an unresolved situation. This week gives you the opportunity to do it before the arrival of the eclipse on the 12th, it's a week that invites us to take responsibility for our own processes in order to heal karma or the expectation of the heart.

On the 12th, the sun's eclipse in cancer hits your opposite in Capricorn. This event will lead you to reevaluate what success means:

– You must re-evaluate where you place your security. When we talk about cancer accurately, it's because people of this sign have to learn to be safe on their own, not through another person. Therefore, work on your consciousness by focusing on the only place where you can put this firmness in your interior, observe when you can strengthen this weakness

On July 13, there is a new Moon that renews us under all Aspects It is favorable to initiate physical routines, food or a new work purpose, which will be strengthened once the lunar phase begins.

On July 19, the Moon begins the phase of the crescent joining Scorpion that will give us the intensity and pbadion we need to prepare for the lunar eclipse. this time you will be able to feel how you connect with the new pbadions and your heart energy, so if you made the flow, these are things or the 27th we have another task that this month offers us this day is the # 39; eclipse of Luna in the aquarium and also touches the opposite or complementary is Leo, again it is like a last warning:

– Put your priorities in the l? order and really make the changes needed to work the aquarius axis – I read, it means breaking with the limitations of beliefs, about you, your abundance, your abilities and what you can accomplish, as well as breaking down the Inertia or the cycles in which you find yourself has with concrete actions that change your routines and thus the experiences you experience.

tasks with concrete actions that will determine definitive changes in life. The most important thing is the awareness of how it is inside and, if we bring changes to the new, we will have many rewarding experiences this new semester.

For more information, go to: Carolina Betancourt

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