Macri arrives in South Africa for the Emerging Countries Summit


July 26, 2018 – 00:00
The meeting will take place in the city of Johannesburg with the presence of states with large populations. The group is composed of giant states such as Brazil, Russia, China and India, as well as the host country.

President Mauricio Macri will be installed today in Johannesburg, South Africa, to attend the Tenth Summit of the Brics, the group of the world's most powerful emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and countries host.

Macri will present as part of the "Brics Plus" initiative, a space that encourages the bloc to deepen cooperation among emerging countries through invitations to countries such as Argentina, Jamaica, Turkey and Egypt.

this same Thursday meetings with his Russian counterparts, Vladimir Putin, and Chinese, Xi Jinping, and also with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

Macri had planned to leave last night and arrive today at noon (local time) in South Africa to attend the summit to be held at the Sandton Convention Center, a place where are usually held lectures, but also regularly visit. For tourists

Upon arrival at OR Tambo International Airport, the President will visit the Hilton Sandton hotel in 20 minutes, where the organization provides for its accommodation.

Later he will have some free time until he meets with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, at the Four Seasons Hotel on the outskirts of Johannesburg

Later he will hold a bilateral meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, at the Hotel Michelangelo, located meters from Plaza Mandela

With the two leaders, Macri will seek to badyze the possible investments of these countries particularly with regard to public works.

The head of state will close the day bilaterally with the Prime Minister of the Republic of India, Narendra Modi. The Brics Summit (acronym for the economic and trade badociation launched in 2008 by the five largest emerging economies in the world) will take place in the middle of the so-called "trade war" initiated by the President of the United States, Donald Trump. , so that the subject could monopolize the scheduled talks until Friday in Johannesburg. All Brics member countries share a large population (more than 1,200 million inhabitants in China and India, 140 million in Brazil and Russia and nearly 53 million in South Africa), vast territories and natural resources, as well as a significant participation in world trade and exceptional growth of its GDP.

Request for treatment of the next budget with "responsibility"

President Mauricio Macri yesterday asked to discuss the budget with "responsibility" thinking of all Argentineans and avoiding "to be exposed to external volatility "and insisted on ending the" 70-year budget deficit ".

"I hope that in the discussion of the new budget, the responsibility and generosity of all the leadership will come to think of what is suitable for all Argentines," said the president in statements made to Radio San Pedro, as part of the 111th anniversary. In addition, the head of state said that "it is appropriate to strengthen the country and not be as exposed to external volatility as that which has happened to us from here to here."

When asked about the risk he went to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), he answered "zero," but said that "what is dangerous is that it is dangerous." is when we Argentinians deceive us. "

"We must stop spending more than ourselves"

Similarly, Macri pointed out that "every time we are more Argentinian, we realized that the possibilities of growth are almost endless if we take this backpack who crushes us several decades ago. " Entido complained of having "a state that spends more than the taxes we pay, which are very high and have to go down." "We must commit ourselves to the state collaborating in the development of every Argentine and not generating a backpack because of inflation or the accumulation of debts," he concluded

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