Manchester United would be interested in the center of Colombia Yerry Mina


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] July 26, 2018 – 7:10 pm
2018-07-26 By:

Colprensa / El Colombiano

Colombian Yerry Mina could have his future at Manchester United, a club that would have joined those who were interested in signing after the Cup of the world. Russia 2018.

According to Radio Montecarlo, the English club would have sent its interest to Mina and his representative would have to transfer the proposal to Barcelona at a meeting scheduled to badyze the possible destination of the power plant.

The red devils then join Everton and Olympique de Lyon as those who aspire to stay with the player, which surprises Russia with three goals scored in three matches.

And Manchester would have a point in their favor and that's what Yerry Mina's environment said that the Colombian should reach a big European.

The signature, according to Spanish media, would be about 40 million euros, a figure that confirms the badessment of the defense after the last World Cup.

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