María Fernanda Suárez, Vice President of Ecopetrol, will be Minister of Mines and Energy


Redacción Economía

She is Vice President of Strategy and Finance at Ecopetrol. "A strong, capable woman, who has led the transformation of Ecopetrol into the financial aspects," says the oil company.

The current Vice President of Strategy and Finance of Ecopetrol, María Fernanda Suárez, was announced by President-elect Iván Duque President-elect Iván Duque Márquez announced on Wednesday that María Fernanda Suárez Londoño current vice president of Ecopetrol, will be the Minister of Mines. and Energy in his government.

"I named María Fernanda Suárez, Executive Vice President of Ecopetrol, Minister of Mines and Energy. She is 44, with her we will promote greater diversification of the energy matrix, social and environmental responsibility, the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector, "wrote Duque on his Twitter account.

J & # 39, named María Fernanda Suárez Ecopetrol, as Minister of Mines and Energy.It is 44 years old, with her we will promote greater diversification of the energy matrix, social and environmental responsibility, the 39 Efficiency and competitiveness of the sector

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) July 18, 2018

Suárez, CESA Business Administrator and Master in management of public policy at Georgetown University, has over two decades of professional career in both the public and private sectors.He previously served in the government, as director of public credit in mid Department of Finance

Later, she held positions in the private sector, such as the Vice President of Investments in the Porvenir Pension Fund. Bank of America. He has also served on the boards of directors of ISA, Isagen, FEN, Banco Agrario and XM

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" She is Vice President of Strategy and Finance a strong and capable woman who led the transformation of Ecopetrol in aspects financial, "they point out from Ecopetrol

Guillermo Botero, at the Ministry of Defense, and Jonathan Malagón, at the Ministry of Housing. T are also announced who will be in charge of the Ministries of Agriculture, Interior, Trade, Education, Finance, Environment and International Relations

The Prime Minister confirmed was Alberto Carrasquilla the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit; Andrés Valencia Pinzón in the portfolio Agriculture; José Manuel Restrepo will be at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism

In addition, Jonathan Malagón will be in the Ministry of Housing and Ricardo Lozano former Director of Ideam, was confirmed as the next Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development.

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