Martín Santos against Guillermo Botero: proposal compared with Venezuela


There is currently a legal vacuum because of the measures that exist in the Police Code which approved the Congress of the Republic and which aims to limit the right of badembly and demonstration in public . 19659002] In April 2017, the Constitutional Court overturned these articles and granted the legislator two years to adopt a new regulation on the subject.

On this subject, the minister appointed defense, Guillermo Botero, said that it is time to organize actions to regulate social protests in the country

" ] We respect the social protest but we also believe that it must be orderly and truly represent the interests of all Colombians and not just a small group (…) the next government will be in As we move forward, we have a lot of preventative dialogue with the communities, "he said.

Holiness, Botero's badertion was used to attack the government of Ivan Duque when he wanted to compare the proposal with the restrictions put in place by Nicolás Maduro ] to limit social protest

It is from the family of outgoing President Juan Manuel Santos that the controversial comparison was made. The eldest son of the presidential family, Martín Santos, describes Botero's proposal as "tragicomedy" . [ad_2]
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