Mayor of Ituango denounces threats against him


For about two months, Hernán Darío Álvarez Uribe Mayor of Ituango received unsigned leaflets and threatening phone calls in his office. The official said that, despite this, he continues to work for the municipality and that the local authorities carry out the respective investigations to determine the origin of the intimidations.

The mayor added, furthermore, that the intimidations may be related to the complex situation of confictivity that runs through the locality, particularly in a post-conflict scenario in which there is instability and conflict. of territorial control by illegal actors present in the region and in the rest of departamento

Victoria Eugenia Ramírez, Secretary of the Government of Antioquia, informed that Álvarez is under special surveillance and that the Departmental Committee of Rights Guarantees of the Man is in the process of setting up the entire course of care.

Secretary Ramírez pointed out that the government of Antioquia raised the consultation and the Formulation of the case to the national protection unit to request an armored car and that the officer has currently two bodyguards.

"We have asked the National Protection Unit, which has a whole series of procedures and we are waiting to be pronounced," said Álvarez.

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