Messages of support from Turkey to the resignation of Özil – International Soccer – Sports


Several messages from politicians in Turkey approving this decision were broadcast on Twitter

  Mesut Özil

Mesut Özil announced his departure from the German national team via his Twitter account.


July 23, 2018, 02:15

Following the resignation of Mesut Özil from the German national team, several Turkish ministers expressed their support for this decision based, according to the player of Arsenal, on a feeling of racism provoked by a photo in which Özil poses with Erdogan, president of Turkey.

"I congratulate Mesut Özil who, on leaving the German national team, scored his best goal against the fascist virus" Turkish Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül tweeted. His trill was accompanied by the picture in which Özil gives his Arsenal shirt to Erdogan.

Meanwhile Minister of Sports, Mehmet Kasapoglu, claimed on Twitter that he supports "totally the honorable position of our brother Mesul Özil" . This message was also filled with the controversial photograph and, in addition, Kasapoglu joined an emoticon of the Turkish flag.

The photo in which Özil, along with another German footballer of Turkish origin, Ilkay Gündogan, appears with Erdogan has earned them many critics, including after the elimination of the team German in the first phase of the recent World Cup "With great difficulty and after many considerations on what happened, I will not continue to play for the national team as long as I feel this feeling of racism and disrespect ". Long press release posted on Twitter. "Like many people, my roots go beyond a country, I grew up in Germany, but my family history is deeply rooted in Turkey I have two hearts, one German and a Turk, "he said.


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