Mexico is intractable in artistic gymnastics: four gold medals


Colombian Lina Dussan added two bronze medals to the hoops and ball.

Mexico continues to dominate the rhythmic gymnastics of the Central American and Caribbean Games. In his second day of the apparatus, he won the gold medals in ball, ribbons, rings and five ropes.

In the ball, the Mexicans Marina Malpica with a score of 14,800 and Ledia Juárez, with 14,700, respectively added gold and money. The bronze medal was for Colombian Lina Dussan with a score of 14,450 judges. The Colombian girl was very applauded by the fans in the middle of the Mexican show

On tape, Mexico repeated another gold medal with Rut Castillo who added 13,000. Puerto Rican Ana Aponte and Giuliana Cusnier received judges 12,500
and 12,050 to win the silver and bronze medal.

In clubs, Rut Castillo won again. This time with a value of 15.100, Marina Malpica added 15.000 to hang the silver medal and the bronze medal went to Giuliana Cusnier, who got a score of 13.700

In hoops, Malpica and Rut Galindo have won gold and silver. Their scores were 15,700 and 14,650 respectively. Lina Dussan took third place with 14.150.

In the five-string mode, Mexico maintained its throw by winning the final with a score of 19,350. Cuba added 16,050 for the silver and bronze medal, Venezuela with 12,900. 19659011] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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