Mexico plays life at CCM against El Salvador


After the setback suffered by the Mexican National Team Under 21 against Venezuela at its inception in the Games of Central America and the Caribbean the team led by Marco Antonio Ruíz plays life against El Salvador .

The surprise defeat of the tricolor flag on the opening day of the games, force the national team to beat the Salvadorans to maintain their aspirations to reach the next round.

 Mexico's players lament after the defeat in the JCC

Given this situation, the Mexican helmsman said that despite the defeat against the vinotinto, the objective of & dquo; Raise to the gold continues intact, because it prevents the tournament just started.

"We have to maintain more the balloon, we characterize ourselves to have good possession and today we do not have it, we have to badyze those on the real causes why we could not keep the block to attack, the block to defend and then look to improve, the tournament is just beginning and there is opportunity to move to the next round, the goal is intact.It explained.

 Eduardo Aguirre control the ball in the match against El Salvador

However, the national team can not afford to be too confident because it will face a & # 39; Selecta & # 39; who also came across his debut against Haiti and who will consider all the costs to stay alive in the contest.

It should be noted that the Tri Sub 21 arrived Barranquilla with the nickname of favor i, especially after his performance in the Esperanzas Tournament of Toulon where they got the dolphin to even lose the final against England ].

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