Microsoft calls in the United States clear rules in Congress for the exploitation of facial recognition


Microsoft the software maker, appealed to the US Congress to regulate facial recognition technology as soon as possible, since its use disrupts basic human rights protections, such as that privacy and freedom of expression, the president of Microsoft, Brad Smith, said through an official publication on his website.
The text signed by Smith claims that facial recognition technology is able to recognize the characteristics of people in pictures or videos so it should be used with great responsibility and therefore Microsoft believes that Congress should create a commission Democrats and Republicans experts to evaluate the proper way in which the use of this technology should be regulated in United States
The call from Microsoft adds to that of. other groups that defend privacy and human rights technology that stops offering its face recognition projects to the state since this software can be used to criminalize migrants, people of color, other races and religious beliefs. (By Víctor Montes Rentería / Photo:

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