Minagro supports the exclusion of milk from new FTAs ​​| National


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For several months the producers, then the guilds and Finally, the production line asked (in the last letter, it was a clamor) to the national government to exclude from this bargaining to the dairy sector because it would be seriously threatened by its powerful competitors, led by New Zealand, the world's leading milk exporter.

This call is now supported by the Minister of Agriculture, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga Cardona, who, through a letter sent to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, asked dairy producers to leave the new trade agreements.

The head of the agricultural portfolio, in turn, called for the exclusion of the meat and sugar sector, estimates that "New Zealand produces 3.24 times more than what Colombia produces" and also, their milk is much cheaper.

Total imbalance

For the Colombian Federation of Livestock Producers, Fedegan, we do not understand how you want to sign an FTA in case of obvious and absolute trade imbalance. As a result of the above, in March 2018, 14,604 tonnes of dairy products had entered the preferential terms of FTAs, while Colombia had only 1,136 tonnes. Domestic producers will compete with a country that produces 42% of the world's milk exports.

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