Mindefense's new proposal to regulate social protest sheds light on networks


After the new Defense Minister, Guillermo Botero, announced that the government of Iván Duque will settle the social protest, social networks were inflamed in the critics at the show.

The proposal was sent during the Concordia Americas Summit 2018 "In the social field, we respect social protest, but we also believe that it must be an orderly protest that really represents the interests of all Colombians and not just a small group. "

What he proposes is to promote a statutory law to make the changes that the new government deems necessary, taking into account, said Botero, communities that might feel affected.

On Twitter, the reactions did not wait. For example, Aïda Avella, an elected member of Congress, warned: "We expected the Duque government's appointed defense minister, Botero, to refer to the protection mechanisms of social leaders after 322 killings.

The writer Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal, in turn, "flinched": "I told them and they threw me stones, we left for a dictatorship on the right, they see what proposed by the new Minister of Defense: "Guillermo Botero proposes a law to regulate social protests in the country."

María Fernanda Matus, editorialist of EL HERALDO, also commented: "We remind Guillermo Botero that ten million Colombians voted for Duque and eight million voted against him, the small group, as he points out. , is greater than he insinuates.We declare, in advance, that we will defend the right to protest and opposition. "

President-elect or, Iván Duque , confirming Botero's presence in the cabinet, said last Tuesday: "I want to announce to Colombians that a person who has served many areas of our country, who has character, who looks in the eyes, what which is transparent, I will be accompanied by the reestablishment of security, is Dr. @ GuillaneroBotero. "

And this, in turn, replied:" I want to especially thank the president @IvanDuque for having me appointed Defense Minister We will work hard for all Colombians. "[1965] 9009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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