Ministry of Defense ensures that the armed forces will participate in Parada Militar | Policy


False news circulating on social networks in recent days in the face of the political crisis in the country following revelations of corruption in the judiciary (PJ) and the National Council of Magistracy (CNM). One of these rumors announced that the Armed Forces (FA) would not participate in the military parade of Fiestas Patrias.

However, through their official Facebook account, the Ministry of Defense (Mindef) asked not to believe in these speculations and ratified that the armed forces will parade into the Parada Militar. He added that for weeks now, they have been preparing normally for this civic day that takes place every year during the celebration of the independence of Peru.

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"Our Armed Forces prepare their participation in the Great Parade and the Military Parade actively commanded by their general commanders and reaffirm their patriotic vocation and their defense of the The versions that circulate on the social networks since a few days are absolutely false, and we ask the citizens to take into account only the information of our official accounts ", published the page of this portfolio.

A rumor criticized by this office was that "the general of the army, César Astudillo Salcedo pronounced against the corruption of the powers of the state and announced that there would be no military parade because the Forces Armed women can not pay the honors to the corrupted authorities. "However, Mindef has warned not to believe the pages that warn against a possible military coup.

In recent days, these rumors have even been motivated by the former president of the Supreme Court, Javier Villa Stein , who invoked "a civico-military declaration" because he did not agree with the formation of the ] Judicial Reform Commission created by the executive to present a proposal to reorganize the judicial system.

 Minidef denies rumors.



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