Mobile phones have failed the most in 2018


The International Technology Consultant Blancco published a report for the first quarter of 2018 on the Android Phones that recorded the largest number of outages among consumers.

In his report [19659003] State Repair and Safety of Mobile Devices collects all smartphones with more flaws, and the brands that fail the most.

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This document elaborated with data provided by operators and retailers established that the most problematic phones of the Android system of the first quarter of 2018 were:

* Samsung with 27.4%, especially the Galaxy S7

* Tracking, you will find the smartphone Xiaomi ] with the 14.2%

* Finally you will find Motorola with 9.6%.

It is important to know that this calculation is done on the number of devices Android acquired by buyers, and Samsung is the manufacturer that more than mobile phones sold in the world, that is why it has a higher prevalence.

During the same period, computers with operating system iOS showed 15.2% of failures. The one that presents more problems is the smartphone iPhone 6S.

According to the study, the main problems that Apple records in their phones are the connections Wi-Fi and Bletooth as well as the use of helmets and mobile data.

While the biggest defects in the devices Android are the operation of camera, headphone, microphone and battery.

Another fact that draws attention in the report, is that the average number of smartphones that fail is much higher in Europe than in states United States and Asia both in iOS and in Android.

Blancco explains it by stating that in Europe many more tests are being performed, and that we are Europeans who use the older versions of Android (we take more by renewing the mobile). In the United States, the mobile is changed more often, and so the failure rate in minor.


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