Mobilisations in Helsinki to reject the meeting between Trump and Putin


July 15, 2018 – 11:04



Agencia EFE

The summit that will meet on Monday in Helsinki with the leaders of Russia and the United States offers new hope to the world, but many of The policies of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are also rejected, as witnessed today by a mbadive demonstration in the Finnish capital.

Nearly 2,000 people marched in downtown Helsinki to condemn Trump's immigration policy and his willingness to build one between Mexico, homophobia led by the Kremlin, the lack of freedoms and the imprisonment of militants in Russia, among other complaints

"Let's do again great human rights," said the motto of the demonstration, in reference to the slogan with which Trump arrived a year and a half ago at the White House

The protest against the leaders of the two major nuclear powers managed to bring together Amnesty activists under the same banner. International, environmentalists, anarchists, members of the Lgtbi movement and even the Ukrainian community living in Helsinki

  Manifestations in Helsinki for a meeting between Putin and Trump 02

"That Putin does all he wants in his own country, But invading other countries to remove their territories is not good, "said the Ukrainian Viktor Ivanov, who marched with his wife wrapped in a flag of his country.

Oki, a Finn who defends himself in Russian, traveled 250 kilometers to the city of Pori, northwest of the capital, to demonstrate in the center of Helsinki with a large banner in which one could read in Russian "Let's Sport Racism".

"We want Putin and Trump to stop encouraging wars" A few meters away, Helena, a Finnish woman who works in a United Nations institution in Geneva, wore a banner demanding the freedom of the Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, who is serving a two-year sentence. 0 prison in Russia for terrorism offenses and who went on a hunger strike for two months.

"The situation of freedom of the press in Russia is truly deplorable." Talking about freedom and working for human rights is very problematic in Russia, "said Helena

. Trump's immigration policy, which since April has separated some 3,000 undocumented children from their families on the border with Mexico,

Among a crowd who shouted "end of deportations", Finnish Pirjo Tinat denounces what she sees as a growing anti-immigrant trend in most developed countries

". It is not only the United States, Finland has also expelled people in Iraq who were seeking asylum in Iraq and Afghanistan, "said Tinat,

a few meters from the Finnish wall In Mexico

"Families should not be separated, and I read recently that, to reunite them with their children, they make parents pay (undocumented) DNA tests. It's crazy, they should not have to pay for the mistakes of others, "he told Efe.

The 23-year-old man drove for two hours to Helsinki for a other reason: "LGTB's limited rights"

"In Russia, it is illegal to have a flag of gay pride, and it's just crazy," he laments [19659006] despite everything, many protesters admit that the first summit between Putin and Trump. it's good news for the world, whether or not there are concrete results.

"I think this summit will lower the tension between Russia and the United States somewhat, and politicians, as bad as they are, need to engage in dialogue, and thanks to Finland, this dialogue will be possible tomorrow," he said. Ukrainian Victor.

The protest was not the only message for Trump and Putin: the leading Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, printed on dozens of billboards the message English and Russian "Mr. President, welcome to the land of freedom of the press ", as well as headlines on the policies of the two leaders who infringe this right.

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They wanted to make a profit, like the central store Kankurin Tupa, who had today in his shop window a T-shirt with photos of the two leaders and the word "top" in capital letters and in gold letters, for a value of 25.90 euros

"He sold a lot, I think that people expect to be able to resell it much more, according to the course of the summit, "said to Efe Susanna, a saleswoman

Also read:" The Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union has long since ended, "says the Russian government [19659028]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments ): n.queue.push (arguments)};
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