More than 300,000 hectares have been restored to the victims of the conflict in the country


09 July 2018 – 14:04 pm
2018-07-09 By:


The Land Restitution Unit (URT) presented progress in terms of restitution to victims of dispossession or abandonment forced into the country, this during the process of joining the new government where it was noted that 302,792 hectares have been restored to date.

According to the entity, after seven years of Law 1448 (Victims and Restitution), the courts rendered 7,719 sentences that allowed the restitution of 302,792 hectares, benefiting more than 39,000 Colombians (10,629 families). )) affected by the violence, who were able to recover their properties.

"It is important to note that restitution is accompanied by benefits such as housing prioritization and the Productive Projects Program.In this program, the Unit provided 87,327 million incentives for the development of productive initiatives for more than 18 departments, representing the improvement of the economic conditions of at least 3419 peasant families and the commercial reactivation of their territories, explained the entity.

In this regard, the Unit emphasized that, on the basis of the restitution policy, progress has been made in strengthening the sector, which has allowed the creation of 11 badociations already exporting their products to countries like Spain, Belgium, Japan, United States and Australia.

"The favorable advancement of the process at the national level is also reflected in the Current authorization from the Ministry of the Defense of 86,536 requests for restitution for processing, ie 76% of the total number of requests received by the URT. of this viability, 23,132 applications are currently in the hands of the judges and awaiting trial, "explained the Unit.

Similarly, following the implementation of the land restitution process, URT highlighted the judicialization by the authorities of the main landowners of the country, among whom are alias "Tuto Castro", "Sister" Teresa Castaño, Codazzi, Álvaro Bracamonte, Guido Vargas and Benito Molina, currently in prison. [19659006] The resolution of emblematic cases was also one of the points that were presented in the report of the entity that highlights the lands stripped by the clan Castaño, as the hacienda & # "Las Tangas", a former stronghold of paramilitaries in Córdoba, or land dispossessed by the Farc-EP to peasants south of Tolima, as well as in the municipalities of La Macarena and Uribe (Meta) and Caquetá. [19659006] Finally, the entity pointed out that the mid implementation of the restitution process has advanced in the legal security of judgments; the solution to historical agrarian conflicts; the evaluation of complete land extensions and the regularity of the land market.

Similarly, management in the reconstruction of the cadastral inventory of the country's property and the permanent presence of the state and institutions in areas previously difficult to access was highlighted.

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