More than 4,000 Hemophiliacs Affected by a Shortage of Blood Clotting Factors | NTN24


Concerned, there are 4,919 hemophilia patients and other conbad coagulopathies in Venezuela due to the shortage of factors VII, VIII, XI and the prothrombin concentration required for blood clotting.

The information was provided at a press conference the coordinator of the Venezuelan Association of Haemophilia, Antonia Luque, who said that since 2016, 43 people have died haemorrhages due to hemophilia and half of them were children. In addition, 212 are in a critical situation due to the absence of coagulation factor VII.

"The health crisis in the country is complex because not only are we lacking medicines to cure chronic diseases, but we are fighting against the deterioration of hospital centers, the shortage of supplies and the diaspora of specialized staff," he said. .

He pointed out that in the case of patients with hemophilia, the Association "received technical badistance from the World Federation of Hemophilia for emergency cases, but that is not enough for the number of patients with this disease. "

Luque that the departure of doctors and specialized staff in search of better opportunities also affects these patients and stated that in the Association there is no There are only 18 doctors, "when they should be triple."

This situation has led Consequence, according to Luque, the departure of 56 people who reported in other countries to receive treatment. "There are children who, because of the absence of factor VII who has no substitute, have died with very painful intercranial haemorrhages."

He said he brought the patients with hemophilia to international bodies. "At the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), we have examined 21 cases that are already before the criminal court."

"Of these 21 cases, there is that of Franklin Rodríguez who is died in Barquisimeto in the state of Lara. the entire file. It was a very painful death because it had been cut because they did not need to cure it because of the absence of factor VII. This suffering was about six months old. "

" There was a person in San Felix who gave him a precautionary measure and is the first in all of America to give him that opinion to guarantee the factor that the IVSS gives him " , said Luque.

He indicated that there are 15 cases more than information is collected to incorporate them in the measures of the IACHR.

To these dramatic figures, there is three cases of suicides linked to lack of factors and treatments

Alicia De La Rosa / editorial NTN24 Venezuela

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