Mourinho, "surprised" by the theatricality of English against Colombia


José Mourinho, who is currently collaborating with the media in the 2018 Russia World Cup had his opinion on the match between Colombia and England

The Technical director of Manchester United stated in Russia Today that he "surprised him as a defender like Harry Maguire who is usually an honest player, will throw himself into the area and ask for the VAR. "

In addition, the Luso pointed out that " there was an exaggeration in the theater by the players " referring to the behavior of the pupils of Gareth Southgate

In addition to the surprise produced by defender Everton's performance Mourinho also referred to the behavior of both teams during the game, saying that " teams put a lot of n pressure in the referee and the game lost the q uality " being this" the worst of the game. "

In this way, he perceived the coach of Manchester United a match that he became a friction from the first minutes of play, which opened to the board of Minute display 57 when Harry Kane of the twelve stages scored the 1-0 partial of the match, until 90 + 3 [19459005FCBarcelonadefenderYerryMinadressedasaheroandheadmarkedtheparitythatforcedtheextensionof30minutesofplayinadditionwhichhadnoend & cafeteros & missed 2 of the 5 strokes to 1 failed by the English.

Thus, in England agreed to the quarterfinals and expect Sweden a clash that will take place on July 7 in the Samara Arena stadium and will give the pbad to the semifinal of the 2018 Russia World Cup.

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