Nairo Quintana goes Friday for a new blow in the Tour de France


July 26, 2018 – 08:11 pm



Editorial of El País and EFE

Nairo Quintana wants to turn the page of the hard fall that he had in the world. This Thursday's stage to deliver another big shot in the mountains, as he did in the fraction of Wednesday.

The Colombian cyclist dropped dramatically in stage number 18, he joined and although he suffered severe lacerations in the legs and left arm, he managed to top three in the general.

"I had a pitiful fall, I'm a little affected at the ankle, elbow and shoulder, and a finger that also hit me on Wednesday." Hope this is nothing and that tomorrow (today) I can do a very good step.I hope the body recovers, "Nairo said at the end of the test. ;yesterday.

Meanwhile, the medical part of Movistar is positive since some fractures are excluded.

"Revised injuries do not seem to have a greater reach that blows through several parts of the body especially in the hip, ankle, shoulder and a finger that has a little bruised, but it does not hurt. There is no bone lesion, it is hoped that she has the best recovery, "says Jesús Hoyos, the team's doctor. 19659006] This Friday could be a beautiful day
One of the last possibilities for Nairo to make a difference will be in this Friday stage which presents the mythical rise of the Tourmalet, where other Colombian cyclists Mountain shone out of the category.

"I hope to get to this point and have a good race to keep fighting to get on the podium," said Nairo yesterday after undergoing a medical exam. Lourdes and Laruns of 200 kilometers, in addition to the Tourmalet, will have a first clbad price at Col d'Aspin and another at Borderes, as well as another out of category 20 kilometers from the finish.

will play "
For Raúl Mesa, veteran coach of cycling, Nairo will try today to" play as he did on Wednesday, because he understands that he there is little chance of fighting on the mountain. "

" He will try, know that there are not many options, except tomorrow 's stage. But he will try by all means to reach at least the third place of the general, "said Mesa.

The stage today, although very mountainous, will have 20 last kilometers downhill

A good memory
The Tourmatel, mountain price out of category where cyclists will pbad today, reminds Colombians good memories because one of the national runners has gone through this summit 35 years ago.

In 1983, José Patrocinio Jiménez conquered this formidable Top of the Tour, which gave him the chance to reach the red chilli shirt as the king of the mountain. [19659006] In other years, cyclists such as Oliver Rincon, Lucho Herrera and Fabio Parra have also distinguished themselves for this stage.

Demare won Thursday
French Arnaud Demare (19659006) Groupama) won the eighteenth stage yesterday, played between Trie-Sur-Baise and Pau 171 miles, while the dove Biano Nairo Quintana, despite a fall remains fifth overall at 3.30 minutes of the leader, the British Geraint Thomas (Sky), who retains the yellow jersey.

Demare won with a time of 3h.46.50, ahead of Christophe Laporte (Cofidis) of France and Norway's Alexander Kristoff (UAE).
Unchanged to General, Thomas at the helm, followed by Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb) of Holland and Chris Froome (Sky) of Britain.

Frenchman Arnaud Demare (Groupama) won yesterday's eighteenth stage, played between Trie-sur-Baise and Pau at 171 kilometers, while the Colombian Nairo Quintana, despite a fall remains fifth overall at three, 30 minutes of the leader, the British Geraint Thomas (Sky), who keeps the yellow jersey.

Demare won with a time of 3h.46.50, ahead of Christophe Laporte (Cofidis) of France and Norway's Alexander Kristoff (UAE).
Unchanged in the general, with Thomas in front, he guided by the Dutchman Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb) and the Briton Chris Froome (Sky).

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