NASA, 60 years after its creation


As part of the 60th anniversary of the creation of the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space (NASA), we remember one of his most successful projects. ambitious and most significant. It is the arrival of the man on the moon, which continues to be one of the most controversial controversies. There are those who insist that the feat accomplished by the Apollo 11 mission was a montage and although several controversies have arisen, NASA has remained firm in its realization which has completely changed what is believed in the universe.

1961, under the tenure of President John F. Kennedy, when the most famous crew of Apollo 11 (also known as AS-506) began to manage what would be the first voyage on the moon with the mission of reaching the natural satellite back to Earth after taking samples and exploring the surface to recognize the composition of your solar wind, for example.

From the historic launch and its arrival on July 20, 1969 – after takeoff on July 16 – NASA has consolidated its position as one of the most important government institutions in the world by demonstrating its technological capability and scientifically and completely revolutionizing aerospace concepts.

Here we share the salute The Apollo 11 took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on July 16, 1969, having in his crew Commander Neil Armstrong, the pilot of the control module, Michael Collins and the pilot of the lunar module, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.

* This event was broadcast on television publicly, it is estimated that about 530 million viewers saw the moment when Commander Armstrong walked on the lunar surface and said his famous phrase: ".. a small step for a man, a giant step for humanity ", when finally the crew arrived on the Moon on July 20, 1969.

* After two hours and 44 minutes of revolution and half after launching, the S-IVB floor was re-lit for a second time of five minutes and 48 seconds, so that the Apollo 11 entered the so-called transluminal orbit. 19659003] * The first color television transmission on Earth since Apollo 11 was made during the translucent coast. On July 17, a recording of three seconds was made.

* On July 18, Armstrong and Aldrin donned their space suits and climbed the Columbia Mooring Tunnel to "Eagle" to do the second television show.

* On July 19, after Apollo 11 flew behind the Moon, already out of touch with Earth, the first lunar orbit insertion maneuver was made, during of these works and after several tests and technical adjustments a second television show was made, but now at a closer distance to the surface of the moon.

* The landing was partially manually piloted by Armstrong, so the "Eagle" module landed on the so-called "Sea". tranquility. "

* Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin stayed 21 hours and 36 minutes on the surface of the moon after a seven-hour rest period

* Back-to-Earth Maneuvers began July 24, after 44 hours of maneuvering and abandonment of the lunar orbit

* Apollo 11 reached its return to Earth on July 24, 1969.

* In the Johnson Space Center of the NASA, located in Houston, is part of the ships and technology used in the Apollo 11, as well as costumes, land cars, the authentic lunar surface and other curiosities of the crew that organized the historic mission in United States Aerospace Matter.

With the information of

Mexicans described in NASA

Although the It is believed that the figure of astronaut is one of the most surprising charges to exercise in the Administ. National Aeronautics and Space Authority (NASA), there is other work within this institution that is just as important and necessary to make room for orbital travel.

Representatives are not unaware of these spatial problems and, in recent years, many compatriots have participated in important projects, missions and research.

Rodolfo Neri Vela:

A graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Communications and Electronic Engineering, this Mexican since 1985 has been selected by NASA for an orbital trip in which he was able to fly to the Earth, becoming the first Latin representative to do so.

Neri Vela did this mission in the Atlantis space shuttle for the placement of three communications satellites, in addition to doing various research and photographs of the Earth's surface.

After collaborating with NASA, this Mexican worked with the European Space Agency in the Netherlands as a project for the International Space Station between the years 1989 and 1990.

In addition to his engineering, Rodolfo Neri Vela He also applied for a master's degree in telecommunications systems from the Esbad University of England, then a doctorate in electromagnetics applied at the University of Birmingham, and also joined the British Council and CONACYT in Mexico.

Margaret Zoila Domínguez Rodríguez:

After graduating with a Bachelor of Physics from the University of Las Américas Puebla, she was accepted to continue her postgraduate studies at the University of Puebla. University of Arizona, completing his Master's degree in 2013 and applying for a Ph.D. Institutional Shelter from NASA

Dominguez Rodriguez was integrated into the project "Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope", which is expected to be launched in the year 2022, in addition to being related to the project "James Webb Space Telescope", which applies the calibration and maintenance of this equipment and be active in the optical department in the field of samlajaje, integration and metrology.

Yair Israel Piña López:

While he was still studying physics at the Faculty of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), this young man was selected to form part of the badogous mission "The Mars Society", a simulation of exploration to Mars, being one of the Latinos of this crew of this survey that will be developed in Utah, in the United States, in the plan "The Mars Desert Research Station"

José Hernández Moreno:

This Mexican did not only stand out as one of the compatriots in the experience of space travel, its life history has also been one of the most important references to demonstrate that humble and rural origins are not an obstacle to achieving positions of international prestige.

In 2004, José Hernández joined NASA's projects under the category of astronaut, thus becoming part of the XIX generation of astronauts, having been rejected 11 times to apply it in his training official inside the American compound, to finally be flight engineer in the shuttle Discovery and travel to the international space station for 14 days, in 2009.

In independent projects at NASA, this Mexican collaborated as consultant in Mexico in the aeronautical company Tierra Luna Engineering, specializing in telecommunications and renewable energies and with which he collaborated in sending three satellites, such as the Bicentenary and El Morelos III with the Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT)

José Gómez Valdés:

This Mexican researcher is a specialist of the Center for Scientific Research and from Higher Studies of Ensenada. for a year of exercise at NASA, focused on the subjects of physical oceanography of the California Current, in The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology

During his research and collaborations with NASA , José Gómez has applied the use of tools in the study of surface swirls, project in which CONACYT Mexico is also related. 19659003] STORIES OUTSIDE THE ORBIT

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) ), celebrates its 60 years of birth – July 29, 1958, when the national law of space and aeronautics was signed – this scientific place was not only charged with leading the. man at a deep exploration of the universe, he has also been a source of inspiration for hundreds of for feats that have pbaded beyond our atmosphere, since NASA officially began its operations on 1 October 1958.

1958 Pr imeros pasos

President Dwight David Eisenhower and his Cabinet signed, on July 29, 1958, the official act that would lead to the creation of the new federal agency of non-military space activities. today he is known as NASA.

1958 Scientific Walking

NASA (National Administration of Aeronautics and Space) began its official operations on October 1, 1958 with four laboratories and approximately eight thousand employees

1958 They place their first satellite [19459044]

In 1958 NASA manages to place the first artificial satellite "Explorer 1" of the United States, discovering that the Earth was surrounded by rays cosmic.

1961 The First Astronaut

This year, Alan Shepard becomes the first American astronaut to fly an orbit on Mercury Redstone 3.

1968 Before the conquest l unar

Before the first arrival of the man on the Moon, the mission "Apollo 8" realized an important approach, without descending; under the command of Frank Borman, James Lovell and Williams Anders, they circled the moon for 10 hours in 20 hours as a study before the big mission.

1969 The man reached the moon

the Apollo 11 mission and under the command of John F. Kennedy, this crew was the first to reach the moon in 1969, thus immortalizing astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.

1970 "Houston, we have a problem"

In another attempt to bring a new crew to the Moon, Apollo 13 suffers technical breakdowns and a loss of oxygen that Kept from repeating the feat of this mission. James A. Lovell, here would emerge the iconic phrase: "Houston, we have a problem."

1972 Approach of Jupiter

The mission "Pioneer 10" managed to send a space probe that would cross the called "Great belt of asteroids" and get closer to Jupiter for the first time

1986 A Great Disaster

One of the most memorable accidents is the Space Shuttle "Challenger", which in 1986 was having problems within seconds of its takeoff, causing death of his crew

1990 The Most Powerful Satellite

The Hubble Space Telescope was put into orbit, under the concept of observatory, being the most powerful of its kind. [19659003] 1997 Birth of the "Mars Generation"

NASA launched the famous "Mars Generation", with the mission to explore the planet Mars with the delivery of robotic crews "Spirit" and " Opportunity". "Curiosity", the current phase of research and exploration.

2003 A Gray Page

The Space Shuttle Columbia accident once again marks NASA's history in black with severe tea defects and causes it to explode when He enters the atmosphere, causing the death of his crew.

2010 Space for tourists

The "Commercial Crew Program" begins to be announced, to realize commercial space trips under the tourist concept.

2016 Earth-like Planets

NASA astronomers, through the Spitzer Space Telescope, discovered a new solar system with planets similar to Earth and rocks, now known as Trappist-1, B, C, D, E, F and G. Planets

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