National Superintendent of Health: In 24 months, super-health has filed millionaire sanctions | Manizales


The National Superintendent of Health Luís Fernando Cruz Araujo, badured in Manizales that one of the main complaints that the entity receives from users is related to the delay of the ; EPS in the mission

The official also drew the attention of affiliates stating that 25% of this type of appointments are lost because patients do not attend or attend do not cancel it in time for

It also invited the community to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, to take care of oneself or to become mature enough to reduce the risks of illnesses or accidents that affect the health.

He pointed out that 90% of health care in the country occurs without guardianship.


With respect to the subject of EPS Medimás, Supersalud, indicated that the skills of the entity have not been frozen and they acted with all the rigor and told the administration, the board of directors and the shareholders the consequences which would lead them not to stabilize the entity.

"In the indicators we have formulated We have already noticed that at the national level, complaints in June were lower than in May. This is not for singing victory or relaxing. We will follow to see how July ends in relation to the fronts imposed by the Superintendency. "

He clarified that in the past two years, the entity has imposed sanctions exceeding 110,000 million pesos and from in 2018 they reach almost 20 billion pesos

"They are sanctions against all actors, not just one of them. We have acted in a fair trial with investigations and sanctions against IPS, EPS, resource generators and territorial entities. "

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