Natural Parks asks to punish fire official in Isla Salamanca | ELESPECTADOR.COM


Luz Elvira Angarita, Territorial Director of the National Parks of the Caribbean Colombia, asked the police for badistance

The National Parks of Colombia asked the authorities to find and to prosecute the perpetrators d & # 39; fire. interior of Parque Isla de Salamanca, in the area of ​​Las Playitas on the Caribbean coast. The incident occurred yesterday at 12:30 pm and was checked at 4:00 pm in the afternoon.

Apparently, the fire was caused by illegal occupants plots inside the park. For this reason, Luz Elvira Angarita, Territorial Director of the National Parks of the Caribbean in Colombia, asked the support of the Force Publique, warning that these fires can escape all control and affect the ecosystems around the area protected.

(You may be interested: Illegal hunters, fire-makers in Parque Isla Salamanca)

Similarly, the park director, Patricia Saldaña, badured that an alert was sent to the Coast Guard and the Barranquilla Risk Management Bureau . Similarly, the Magdalena Risk Management Committee has been activated to establish the impact of the fire.

On Monday, National Park staff monitored the affected area to verify the conditions of the area. It should be remembered that last April, a fire, contracted 24 hours after its beginning, left a balance of 15 hectares of pastures and shrubs. This incident was finally committed against Illegal hunters from Barranquilla

(Read here: Warnings are lit by forest fires in Colombia)

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