New resolution for taxis: enough to follow the modernization of service in Bogota?


The Ministry of Transport has adjusted the points for which the resolution was suspended, on which the district has supported to create "smart taxis". However, the guild says it's almost the same document and will fight for the effects to be only for the luxury taxi service.

Of the more than 52,000 taxis in the city, only 3,000 have installed the tablets. / File

The resumption of the taxi modernization process in Bogotá continues without a specific date. Although the Ministry of Transport has issued a new draft resolution to regulate the use of new technologies in the individual public transport of pbadengers, for the moment it is simply a matter of time. a project that must be submitted for comment before it is finalized. This procedure was necessary after the State Council suspended Resolution 2163 of 2016 (which had the same objective), while considering a trial which considers that this rule would be flawed for failing to comply with the procedures required by the law. (READ: the implementation of "smart taxis" in Bogotá was suspended)

And just as in the suspended resolution on which the Ministry of Mobility was founded to create the so-called smart taxis in Bogotá, the process There is no legal floor. For this reason, until the procedure in the Mintransport continues, the project which sought to change the taximeters in the capital will be frozen by a technological platform which defines the rate of service to the # 39; advance.

suspended and the new draft resolution do not show differences except for the addition of three paragraphs in the considerations which explains what happened with the State Council and why it is necessary to issue a new document. However, the new resolution does not include a key point, and that is the concept of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC) concerning the change of taximeters by electronic devices to regulate prices.

(Modernization of Taxis in Bogotá, Pending by Order of the State Council)

In fact, one of the reasons for the suspension of the first resolution was that it was not possible to […] it had been issued without the CIS declaration. The project clarifies that this concept has already been requested to be added within 15 days that the actors of the taxi drivers badociation (drivers, owners and businessmen) will have , as well as Mobility, for comment

. the only thing that exists in the CIS is a resolution with which it regulated the meters at the end of 2017. In this standard the SIC exempted georeferencing systems, such as tablets that will be used in "smart taxis" stating that this method is not regulated by the entity because it is not referenced as a measuring instrument, since it does not work with weights , measures or scales.

The union of taxi drivers has already begun the study of the new document. ] Their first impression is that there are no differences and they consider that this seeks to shift the discussion, again, to the union and the district. For Ernesto Sandoval, manager of Taxis Teleclub and representative of the guild before Fenalco, "the draw remains the same as 98%, the Mintransport repeated it without changing the context of the paragraphs. They did, but the message that remains is that the District and the union must make the difference in terms of devices, since the new resolution nowhere names the installation of tablets. "

( Modernization of the taxi service involves more vigilance to the guild)

Taxi drivers will meet in the coming days to announce their general observations. Then each company or owner will give their own suggestions. Do not exclude, do not even continue to "wallpaper" the process or return to the street, as they consider that, as the new resolution is raised, it is "a favor" for the District to go forward with the process of Modernization.

"The resolution is totally hollow because it still does not have the concept of the Superintendence of Industry, although it already exists.This shows that they are doing a favor to put the tablets.If we need to continue, we will do it, and if we have to go out and mobilize again, we will do it, because the cars that already have these tablets have been followed and we noticed that it There are still problems with Internet connectivity and, furthermore, the collection is very high "says Edison Perilla, president of Union Taxiplús.

Another important point is the differentiation between luxury taxis. In this regard, Hugo Ospina, president of the National Association of Owners and Drivers of Taxis (Asproctax), believes that the new resolution should eliminate the option that basic services have technological platforms and that One of the goals of the union meeting will be a statement to do so. "The new resolution should only target the luxury service in Colombia and has nothing to do with the basic level because the devices were created for another level of service." Our request will be to eliminate the word "optional" at the basic level because SIC has said that the only device to charge users at the basic level is the taximeter. "

(Extending delays for taxi drivers in Bogota to migrate from taximeters to tablets)

The modernization process will not continue even if the new resolution is final. After this step Mobility will have to modify its resolutions and decrees based on the document Mintransport and there it will be able to use the terms so that all taxis in the city have the new collection system. operate with this system and, of course, charge the new rates.

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