New Rights of the Political Opposition in Colombia – Congreso – Elecciones Colombia 2018


After 27 years of attempts, the country will now have a Statute of the Opposition, with which it is intended to give guarantees to political organizations that declare themselves contrary to national, departmental, municipal or district governments. 19659002] To gain access to the benefits of this settlement, which President Juan Manuel Santos sanctioned on Monday, the political movements that consider it should declare themselves in opposition to the government.

They do not want to consider it, they can declare government parties or simply independent

The rights of the opposition

• 5% of additional funding among all those who declare themselves in the. opposition.

• 30 minutes per month in the media. It will be the electoral authority that will define its distribution.

• Space 20 minutes on the day of the installation of sittings of the Congress of the Republic, by the President of the Republic.

• They will be able to dispute the presidential addresses in the next two days and in the same terms as they would have been made. This right can be exercised at most 3 times a year.

• They will set the agenda for 3 days of congressional sessions in each term.

• A post on the Board of Directors of the Plenary of the Public Companies

• Right of reply in case of serious and obvious inaccuracies or public attacks by the President of the Republic, ministers, governors, mayors, secretaries of the office, directors or directors of decentralized entities and any other senior official. They must have the opportunity to respond in a timely manner, and at least at the same time, medium and space.

• They will have at least one of the positions on the board of the plenary of Congress. ]

• Determine the agenda of the plenary session and the standing committees, three times during each term of the Congress

• Transparency in the accounts of the Development Plan.

• Government to make public on institutional web portals the programs and projects to be carried out

• Amendments or additions to its articles presented in the process of building these multi-year plans and members of Congress, the deputies and advisers of the same.

to be part of opposing movements can not be appointed to government positions, not even within 12 months after their resignation to the political movement.

• An action for the protection of the rights of the opposition is created, which must be resolved by the electoral authority in terms similar to those of the trusteeship


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