News: Investigation of a case of animal abuse in Bogotá


An aberrant case of animal abuse in Bogotá has alarms.

Everything happened this Friday in the locality Engativá

In a video, obtained by the District Animal Protection Institute, a man who walks down the street alternates with the city. animal care unit, with a small dog with which apparently there is affinity.

The pictures show how this man lifts the animal and throws it in the air on the wall that borders the unit.

The small dog falls dramatically to the ground, tries to get up

The District Animal Welfare Institute has asked the help of the relevant authorities to establish the identification of this person and thus impose the corresponding penalties.

"Cases like these are aberrant and deserve to be rejected," said Clara Lucia Sandoval director of the District Animal Protection Institute

The dog was calling "Cloud" by the officials of the Institute.

Although he is in good health, he must remain under medical and veterinary observation to rule out internal damage and then get into the process of adoption with many other animals waiting for a home. after being abused or abandoned.

] This new case of animal abuse was recorded on video:

This case is unacceptable, an infamous act against a helpless being! ?? Abandonment and animal abuse are crimes and their perpetrators must be punished by the authorities. We demand justice and effective punishment of those responsible. # NoMoreMaltratoAnimal

– Animal Protection BOG (@AnimalesBOG) July 7, 2018

If you identify the man who is the protagonist of this case of animal abuse in Bogotá, notify the authorities



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