Neymar confesses that he simulates faults in Gillette's campaign – International Soccer – Sports


Brazilian striker Neymar faced criticism for his falls and admitted that his reactions were sometimes exaggerated at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, but asked for help for "getting lift "in a shocking television advertisement. "You may think that I exaggerate, sometimes I admit that I exaggerate, but it 's real that I suffer in the field, now you really do not imagine what' s going on. has gone beyond that, "Neymar said. Gillette brand television advertising that has spread through social networks with comments for and against the front.

With black and white images, Neymar, 26, admits that he has not learned to "disappoint" the fans and that, sometimes he looks of a "spoiled" child, that's because he did not learn to

"There is a child in me, sometimes it's a pleasure to the world, sometimes it's Irritates the whole world, but my fight is to keep this child alive, "says the Paris Saint-Germain striker, who follows" the theme of the moment ". in the Brazilian version Twitter.

Neymar, who played in the most expensive transfer of football history, said that he had become "a new man" and asked for help for to get up after his fall. "I fell, but only the one who falls can get up, you can continue throwing stones, or you can leave these stones and help me get up, because when I get up, colleague, Brazil gets get up with me, "concludes Maillot 10 of the Brazilian team.

The announcement of Neymar has generated conflicting opinions on social networks. While some netizens appreciated the sincerity of the Brazilian, others questioned the fact that the "mea culpa" would have been sung by the propaganda of a brand

The leader of the Brazilian national team has been severely criticized for its attitude at the World Cup in Russia. 2018, in which Brazil was eliminated in the quarterfinals against Belgium, and for their silence after the defeat.

Neymar went to the press almost two weeks after leaving Russia and did so at an event organized by the foundation that bears his name, in which he justifies that his football "dribbles". In the announcement, released Sunday, Neymar degraded the tone used during the previous World Cup, in which he added that his "back is wide" and that he is "accustomed" to criticism.


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