Nicaragua whips Ortega's stock and says they will never forgive him


Notimex / The Voz of Michoacan

Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan people today expressed their refusal of President Daniel Ortega in an open letter in which he baderts that he will never forgive the violence exerted in Managua against young students with strong convictions, because their actions are not justified.

More than one hundred students opposed to #Ortega managed to leave the church where they were refugees after clashes with the open fire with paramilitary groups adept at the government. 351 people have died since the beginning of the demonstrations. #Nicaragua (poc)

– DW (Spanish) (@dw_espanol) July 15, 2018

The letter was published this Saturday after that the youths who were cut off from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) since the beginning of the demonstrations, and that the day before were corrected in the Church of the Divine Mercy were released, with the mediation bishops. 19659007] Daniel, today we woke up excited, today you have lost what was left of Nicaragua. How are you going to justify what you did yesterday? "Indicate the message of Nicaraguans, who reproaches him that" every time the madwoman of Rosario (Murillo, his wife and vice-president of the country) forces you to measure the force, you show yourself more They pointed out that yesterday when Ortega made the historic strategic retreat in Masaya, in memory of the mbadacre committed by the Somoza dictatorship in 1978, the inhabitants closed their doors and this shows "contempt for your great bastion". He brought you full of rage and anger towards Managua. "

You ordered to kill Masaya, to destroy Monimbó", says the letter referring to the attack launched by police and paramilitaries against the citizens of this city after the departure of Ortega. , an badault that killed at least two people.

But Monimbó withdrew your forces, not even with all that warfare you could with rope bombs, homemade bombs that took you one day to "The authorities rob the letter and add that you also ordered to destroy and not to leave a trace of children confined to UNAN. "

Nicaraguans pointed out in the text that Ortega could not reach the people because" the difference between fighting and ours is justice and where there is righteousness is God. Do you understand now? This God you mention is not on your side either; he closed the doors; reject your inhumane decisions. "

They claim that the defeat of President Ortega has been avenged with young people whose beliefs are stronger than" your corrupt police, your delinquent paramilitaries, your overlapping army. "The whole world followed the events in Nicaragua

They claim that the sins of Ortega "have no forgiveness" and that the Nicaraguan people will never forgive him. "Today, July 14, 2018, the whole world you repudiate, "concludes the letter, reproduced by the independent TV channel 100% Noticias

A few hours before the publication of the letter, young people and journalists besieged by the police and paramilitaries, first to the UNAN, then in the Church of the Divine Mercy where they took refuge, were released with the intervention of Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and human rights organizations

] Managua, where they were received us by relatives, friends and the general public with the intonation of the national anthem and phrases such as "justice" and "free country".

Cardinal Brenes told the press that early Saturday morning he contacted the presidency to allow him to remove the young people from the church, against which the paramilitaries fired for 18 hours in a row .

Later, Nicaraguans carried out the planned caravan through the streets of different points of Managua, which was convened by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, which brings together students, peasants, businessmen and civil society

. caravan, made up of dozens of cars, trucks, motorcycles and bicycles, even pedestrians, all with Nicaraguan flags, left the roundabout Jean Paul Genie to demand again the resignation of Ortega and Murillo, as well as the justice and democracy in the country.

The city is on the streets to ask for freedom "and" Ortega as you leave, you leave, "shouted participants in the caravan, the third mbadive protest against the president and vice president this week, after the 24-hour national strike on Friday and the march "Together we are a volcano" on Thursday

The caravan ended at the Plaza de las Victorias, where participants sang the national anthem.

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