Nicaraguan students say that they will protest until Ortega leaves


"We will not stop in this fight until these criminals come to resign, from!" shouted and sung, to the rhythm of the protest songs, hundreds of Nicaraguan university students who walked Monday in the capital to demand the release of the government of Daniel Ortega

" Even s & # They kill us and that they repress us we will continue in this fight until their departure! " exclaimed students in the march in which they also demanded justice for their comrades killed by government forces in the demonstrations.

On Saturday, about 200 university students managed to make a 20-hour siege by government forces at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) of Managua, and a nearby temple in which they had been Refugees, in an action that left two young dead

"The death of my brothers hurts me, I could not do anything for them They surrounded us, stand back, their death will be not vain! ", said a young man who survived the attack crying, his face covered with a T-shirt.

About 280 Nicaraguans have died since the beginning of the April 18 protests against the government that were carried out mainly by young people and students

" There are no regression the struggle must continue, this government has to leave for a better future " said Harry Centeno, a 22-year-old marketing student.

The demonstration began in front of the Central American University (UCA), southeast of Managua, where the students sang and ] danced to the rhythm of the modern testimonial songs arranged at the rhythm of the rap

" No to the repression.Ortega badbadin, you leave, you leave" said a sign in the protest, which ended in front of El Chipote prison, in the center of the capital.

"Justice, Freedom!" chanted on arrival in El Chipote, referring to the hundreds of youths who have been arrested over the last three months by the police for participating in the protests .

against a reform of the pension system, which was later repealed, but they were transformed into a demand for the ousting of Ortega who has governed since 2007.

The government accuses the demonstrators of " delinquents" and "plotter of coup d'etat".

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