No clarity in the massacre perpetrated in Algeria


Gradually, they begin to give clues as to why the corpses of seven men, aged 25 to 35, were piling on the ground on a rural road in Algeria, Cauca, last Tuesday [19659002]. the army and the Office of the Prosecutor, two causes seem possible, and one does not exclude the other: illicit cultivation and failures to implement the Agreement by the Government

. Cauca, especially Algeria and El Tambo, who are coca growers. According to the latest news from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, this department has grown from 3,326 hectares of coca leaf in 2013 to 12,595 in 2016, an increase of 378 percent in 2016. only three years. El Tambo is the fourth municipality with the largest amount of coca: 5,300 hectares, 4% of the national total

In the versions collected by the investigators of the Force Publique, the peasants of the region affirmed that the mbadacre did not occur. was not taking place in Algeria. the lifeless bodies were apparently taken from El Tambo in a van, since it is a region in which the interests of illegal immigrants are moving

Deivi Hurtado member of the DD Network. HH., Affirms that it is about the realization of a threat launched ten days ago: "On June 25, a pamphlet appeared in Algeria, signed by paramilitaries, in which they put warning against social's as if it's just another threat, showing that they can accomplish what they say. "

The Theory That Manages Jonathan Patiño a Cauca member from Algeria, told EL COLOMBIANO that "one might think that the intention of those responsible for this mbadacre is to bring the attention of the Force Publique in this area of ​​central Algeria, to lower the pressure in the north ", since in El Tambo there are frequent confrontations between the Force Publique and the ELN

The latter makes an badumption that the authorities designate the responsibility of this guerrilla. General Jorge Herrera commander of the 29th Army Brigade, pointed out that in the municipality where the events allegedly took place, the front of Jose Maria Becerra del Eln works, "which would signal them as the possible authors ". Luis González, Delegate for Citizen Security, points to the address.

According to the commander in charge of the Four regional police, the general Hugo Casas the person who manages the communications of alias "Popeye", one of the leaders of the Compañía Guerreros del Sindagua of the Front Comuneros del Sur del El, received information about the maintenance of seven people by the front of Jose María Becerra and They were ready to execute them.

For their part, the ELN peace delegation denied their participation in multiple homicide by a statement. "We regret that dirty warlike events such as these continue to occur in the country and we stand in solidarity with the Algerian people, and he adds that in this region" there are many criminal gangs, paramilitary groups in the country, and there are many more. far right, military forces and police. "

In this sense, Camilo González Posso director of Indepaz, explained that in the mountainous region of Cauca there has been new phenomena of violence since the Farc were concentrated in the rural areas, which occur because the supplies for the war are still there, the crops and the roads "After the withdrawal of the FARC, a very strong mobilization of the peasants took place. is developed for post-conflict programs, the majority of the population presented a plan to the government for a forest reserve area and for the voluntary substitution of crops, but they do not have I started the programs, "said Gonzá lez.

Initiatives mature in Cauca. On May 3, Eduardo Díaz Director of the National Plan for the Replacement of Illegal Crops, PNIS, was in this department socializing the program and said: "We can not leave thousands alone. the peasants who have pledged to fulfill the commitments, hoping that the process is not only to uproot coca bush but to transform the lives of people who were in the middle of the armed conflict and who have never felt the presence of # 39; State. 19659003] and admitted that the program had not progressed significantly because of the difficulty of concluding agreements with certain sectors of the community, in particular by the intervention of armed actors willing to preserve the illicit income from drug trafficking

. 1,685 families, who reported 3,128 hectares cultivated with coca, were linked to a voluntary substitution in Miranda, El Tambo and Piedmont.

In this regard, Mr. Urtado said that a few weeks ago, gunmen gathered the residents of El Tambo and declared that they had formed a group with children. former members of FARC, ELN and AUC.

Further north, Corinto and Caloto presented expressions of dissent, and from the south towards Nariño.

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