Not in cartoons! A monkey and a dog organized a great bike race


In a funny and very curious way, a pair of animals organized a spectacular bicycle chase, around a parking lot in Shanxi Province in China a reported the Daily Mail. extraordinary scene, which managed to captivate many of those present in the place, who had fun watching the interaction of these animals.

Indeed, a primate took a bicycle and began to ride exceptionally, after which a dog who was in the place started pursuing the monkey, as if they were playing and they were playing. amused with a strange device for them. The puppy dog ​​tries to prevent the monkey from moving forward, but the monkey manages to move on.

You can appreciate the excellent balance that the primate uses to maintain itself as a human being in the cycle, and keep moving despite the dog's constant pressure. he persecutes him incessantly. The monkey ends up encircling the parked cars, and people just look funny with the unusual scene.

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