Nube, a dog victim of abuse in Bogotá, seeks a family that adopts


The authorities are investigating cases of animal abuse in Bogota.

In a video, there is a man walking in the street alternating with the animal care unit – in the town of Engativá – next to a small dog.

The recording shows when this man raises the animal The cloud seeks a loving family

"Once it is restored, Cloud will enter the adoption program, as well that his hundreds of dogs and cats rescued by the squadron.Anrrueldad or rescued by the veterinary emergency, need a home that loves them and protects them, "said the Institute of Animal Protection District.

Once he recovers, #Nube ? will enter the adoption program.As well as his hundreds of dogs and cats rescued by the # Squadron #Anticrueldad or Saved by #VeterinaryUrgencies They Need a Home That Loves and Protects Them # NoMoreMaltratoAnimal #Adopta [19659007]

– Animal Protection BOG (@AnimalesBOG) July 7, 2018

The Vet Team Emergency erection of the District Institute attended a Nube.

The puppy received a medical evaluation, examinations and X-rays

According to official information, she has abdominal pain, so she will be hospitalized to observe its evolution.

Here are some photos of Cloud: [19659014] The moment of aggression against Cloud was recorded on video:

This case is unacceptable, an infamous act against a helpless being! ?? Abandonment and animal abuse are crimes and their perpetrators must be punished by the authorities. We demand justice and effective punishment of those responsible. # NoMoreMaltratoAnimal

– Animal Protection BOG (@AnimalesBOG) July 7, 2018

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