Nurses at the University Hospital Demand Decent Wages | NTN24


For the sixth day, the nurses protest to sue the national government for fair wages and address the shortage of drugs. They spoke under the slogan "Mr. President, we invite you, to live a month with the salary we earn."

Margot Monasteries, General Secretary of the Union of Employees of the Workers' Trade Union Coalition, asked President Nicolás for a mature management of hospital matters.

Medical staff at the University Clinical Hospital requested that his salary be in keeping with his level of education. In addition, they invited the population to join the demonstration.

Nutritionist Yarilis Tovar pointed out that the hospital population receives only lentils as low nutritional value proteins, which would intensify malnutrition. Tovar called the new Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarado, to "solve the problem of providing drugs."

The protest was attended by officials of the Bolivarian National Police, who tried to prevent it. This fact was dissuaded by hospital staff

On the other hand, the Hospital Hospital Jose Ignacio Baldó agreed that they would paralyze the consultations and the elective surgeries.

Verónica Martínez, Vice President of the Medical Society of El Hospital Algodonal, informed that they will accompany the indefinite work stoppage of nurses in protest at a living wage. Pediatric Pulmonologist, coordinator of the third cycle of pediatrics, with 20 years of studies, reported that charges Bs 1,500,000 biweekly.

Martinez stated that they are still without drugs, without electricity, without water and, in addition, face the departure of the staff. "Of 10 residents who enter, they give up 6".

"And what constituent if hospitals die patients," exclaimed the doctors in the middle of the protest.

The deputy to the National Assembly, the President of the Permanent Commission for Social Development, José Manuel Olivares, requested that the salary of the health worker be certified according to the new salary of the officials of the National Armed Forces .

Olivares invited all physicians to join the demonstration nationwide. He explained that they will gather all the conflicting specifications of each sector to offer institutional protection to the National Assembly. The plenary will be an agreement with national and international impact, so that the right of doctors is protected, not only to protest but to offer quality medicines.

Writing NTN24 Venezuela

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