NY Times Editor says Trump attacks on press are "dangerous"


The publisher of The New York Times warned President Donald Trum at a meeting at the White House that his increasing attacks on the media are [19659002] "incendiary", "dangerous " and "harmful" for the United States

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The meeting between Trump and AG Sulzberger, who took the reins of the prestigious American newspaper on January 1, took place on July 20, following a request from the White House.

The session, at which the editor of the page also participated The NYT, James Bennet, was kept secret by mutual agreement until Trump make it public by a tweet this Sunday morning.

"I had a very good meeting Interesting at the White House with AG Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times," wrote Trump on the social network.

"We spent a lot of time talking about the large amount of false news published by the media, and the" false news "became" enemies of the people "Sad!",

In a statement issued by the NYT, Sulzberger said that the president's tweet makes the meeting public, and describes what appeared to be an unusually hard and difficult meeting I directly told the president that 39, he thought that his tongue was not only divisive, but that it was becoming more and more dangerous " Sulzberger said in the statement

he produced at a moment of high tension between Trump and the US media, with the president regularly denouncing new critics as "false news".

AG Sulzberger met Trump at the Ma White on July 20, where he asked him to stop his attacks on the press. Photo AFP

"I told him that although the phrase" false news "is false and harmful, I am much more concerned about qualifying journalists". enemies of I warned that this incendiary language contributes to an increase in threats against journalists and will lead to violence, "adds the editor of the NYT Sulzberger added that some leaders The language of Trump to justify the repression of journalists, I warned him that he was putting lives in danger. "

" I begged him to reconsider his attacks on journalism that I consider dangerous and harmful. 19659003] the publisher said.

But Trump did not allow the newspaper to keep the last word. In a series of tweets on Sunday afternoon, he launched new attacks on the press, saying it was the media that "They put lives in danger, revealing the internal deliberations of the administration."

"The failure of the New York Times and the Washington Post of Amazon does not did writing bad articles, even in " Trump wrote on the social network

" Last chance "

Sulzberger, 37, is the last of a long list of Sulzberg's newspaper. When he took the helm of the "Gray Lady" after several years as a reporter or publisher, Trump tweeted that the promotion of the young man gave the newspaper a "last chance" for demonstrate impartiality and report the news "without fear or FAVOR."

The White House banned journalist Kaitlan Collins from attending a press conference by considering that he asked "inappropriate" questions. Photo AFP

But since then the newspaper and other sources of information have echoed Trump's personal and political problems, and have published his frequent mistakes

. The President has responded by tweets against the NYT on several occasions, calling "very dishonest," "failed and corrupt", and baduring that he is using "sources false and non-existent ".

] After the meeting between Trump and Sulzberger became public, it was speculated whether the meeting would lead to a better relationship between the White House and the media. In this regard, a former publisher of the NYT had recommended on social networks: "Do not hold your breath."

However, Trump's relations with the press have recently seen further deterioration. [19659010] The White House banned Kaitlan Collins, of CNN, to attend a press conference after the reporter asked questions deemed "inappropriate" when 39, an event.

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Olivier Knox, leader of the White House Correspondents Association, lamented the decision as an answer " poorly focused and weak " to a journalist who was simply doing his job


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