Official: 54 are released from a Taliban prison in Afghanistan


At least 54 people, including members of the security forces and civilians, were released from a Taliban prison in Helmand province, in southern Afghanistan, an official said on Tuesday. . a command unit Monday night in a prison in Musa Qala district, said Omar Zwak, spokesman for the governor of the province. Among those released were 32 civilians, 16 policemen, four soldiers and two military doctors who had been imprisoned by the insurgents, the spokesman added, adding that government forces continued to secure the area.

The Taliban did not immediately comment on the operation, but they control most of Helmand districts, where they have stepped up attacks against provincial authorities and security forces.

The insurgents have long since rejected direct dialogue with the Afghan government and ask to negotiate rather with the United States. The Taliban maintained their position even after the country's president, Ashraf Ghani, unilaterally decided to extend a truce for a holiday last month, in hopes of encouraging the radical militia to return to the table. negotiations. When insurgents resumed their campaign of deadly attacks, the president ordered the state forces to resume their military operations this month. On the other hand, government officials Donald Trump said Monday that for the first time the United States would be ready to engage in direct talks with the Taliban to encourage dialogue between the group and the Afghan government for the end of the year. A war of 17 years. years ago It is a tactical change from Washington, who previously seemed only willing to participate in discussions with extremists if Kabul was also present.

The United States invaded Afghanistan after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and overthrew the Taliban government that had sheltered Al Qaeda. Currently, there are some 15,000 American soldiers in the country, mainly to train government forces.

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