Operation Jaque marks today a decade of rebirth


01 July 2018 – 23h40




The President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, celebrated this Sunday, July 2, the first 10 years of Operation Jaque, in which Colombian military forces managed to rescue 15 people kidnapped by the former FARC guerrillas, including former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, without having to shoot a weapon.

"Without shedding a drop of blood, we got one of the most successful and ingenious military operations in recent history. 10 years jaque ", wrote the president on his Twitter account about this operation conducted while he was Defense Minister in the government of former President Álvaro Uribe

Read also: Operation Check : 10 years, the only military speaks saved who is still active

According to the President on several occasions, Operation Jaque was decisive for the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC, now converted into a political party

"Operation Jaque was perhaps the most daring, the most ingenious and the most successful military intelligence operation of recent history in the entire world. For the FARC, it was a deadly blow for their morale, their enthusiasm, their ability to continue the war that they had been leading for so many years. In other words, it was a determining factor in the search for peace, because it was to suppress that capacity and this desire to continue the war, "said Mr. Santos [19659010returntofreedomkidnappedhimwithouttheuseofarmsdeceivingthemostpowerfulguerrillasofthecontinentatthattime

"I felt panic when we were in full operation, and it was estimated that it would last between 10 and 15 minutes the helicopter landing, while the kidnapped were high and the helicopter resumed flying to the destination that had been established. I was expecting a code, because that was the driver code when I was already taking off, and this was delayed and delayed. They were the most agonizing minutes of my life, "added Santos

.From the operation, there were reports that the rescue was carried out thanks to the support of the foreign forces.The government has them all rejected

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