Ortega's attack on the Church in Nicaragua jeopardizes dialogue – Latin America – International


The dialogue between the government and the opposition in search of an exit from the crisis that Nicaragua is experiencing is at stake after the president Daniel Ortega disqualified the bishops who arbitrated the talks by accusing them of "coup plotters".

"Ortega has disqualified the bishops to create their own dialogue, one that he can control, who can manage his strategy and those who dialogue," said Azahálea Solís, one of the delegates of the 39, opposition participating in the negotiations.

On Friday, the Nicaraguan Civic Alliance, which brings together university students, businessmen, civil society representatives and peasants, expressed its support for the episcopate: "We are ready to resume the agenda of democratization and justice "national dialogue" without delays or delays "

The President attacked the bishops of the Episcopal Conference who have been trying since May to negotiate the solution to the crisis generated by the violent repression that leaves more than 350 dead in three months

Ortega disqualified the bishops to create their own dialogue, the one he can control, who can manage his strategy and those who dialogue. 19659006] "What he does is disqualify the bishops' mediation because he no longer wants to negotiate in this space where he has to address the issue of democratization," said political scientist Jose Antonio Peraza, Executive Director of the Movement for Nicaragua.

According to Ortega, a 72-year-old former guerrilla who has governed autocratically for 11 years, the bishops' proposal in June to advance the elections from 2021 to March 2019 and democratize the state is part of from a conspiracy. "golpista" with the complicity of the Church. "

" I thought that they were mediators, but no, they were entrusted to the putschists ", badured the president when from a speech to the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution, during which he called the protesters of the opposition of "satanic".

According to the sociologist Oscar Vargas, the dialogue has also the "support of the international community, through the resolutions of the OAS and the European Union, and the United States."

  Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo

The President of Nicaragua , Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo, at a demonstration with their supporters in Managua

Carlos Trujillo, US ambbadador to the OAS, said yesterday that "all options are on the table ", but said that" at the moment there are no plans for r military intervention ", as requested by others.

A few minutes later, Vice President Rosario Murillo warned that the "putschists" must answer to justice for the damages they caused. "They must pay for the destruction of so many lives," for "all those who have suffered the criminal acts of terrorism making coup d'etat," he said.

Peraza, however, maintains that "dialogue is a good way to fill it in. Money to Ortega so that he can get out of the difficulties he has." "The problem is that the economic crisis becomes more and more intense and will not be able to govern like that It is impossible for Ortega to reach 2021 " warned Vargas.


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