Ortega's Nicaragua forces recover the bastion of opposition | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega violently took control of the city of Masaya on Tuesday by openly defying the international demand to stop repressing opponents.

Police and paramilitaries stormed the Masaya at dawn on Friday, beginning an badault that lasted for hours and left a record of at least two dead said Vilma Nuñez, head of a human rights organization

The bloody crisis of ] Nicaragua taking three months and left more than 280 dead, will be discussed Wednesday Washington by the Permanent Council of OAS . Church calls for "truce" to end violence in Nicaragua

Masaya was the last of the cities that have resisted government forces since protests began in April to protest the resignation of the government. Ortega

. On Tuesday, they focused on the indigenous neighborhood of Monimbó, where the opposition resisted behind barricades up to two meters high and retaliated by firing homemade mortars, witnesses said.

In the evening, the government stated that Masaya was "liberated".

"Today (Tuesday) it was Monimbó's turn, Masaya, which now has streets liberated from roadblocks where people can move freely," the government said on its website, El 19 Digital.

We suggest reading: Violent attack on the indigenous community of Masaya in Nicaragua

More than 1,000 heavily armed men armed with submachine guns fired in that city of 100,000 inhabitants 30 km south of capital city.

Earlier, Ortega received calls to end the violence against the population of 13 countries in Latin America, the United States government and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gut. R Tuesday, the European Union joined.

Hard Attack

Tuesday's attack was "the strongest" they launched against Masaya, AFP student leader Cristian Fajardo

told AFP. They said the paramilitaries took the local hospital to prevent the attention of the wounded. [1965900319659003] Then they unleashed a "blind hunt" against the population, in which at least 40 people were captured, denounced Núñez

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In the midst of the clashes, Nicaragua's Apostolic Nuncio, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, called on the government and the opponents to negotiate a truce and a dialogue, but the authorities did not respond.

United States ] Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Francisco Palmieri, "strongly urged" Ortega to stop the war. attack against Masaya.

"The continuing violence and bloodshed promoted by the government in Nicaragua must stop immediately. Palmieri wrote on Twitter Tuesday

Operation Cleaning

The action of government forces is part of the so-called "cleansing operation" that police and paramilitaries began to evict from the streets there weeks. Protesters claim the ousting of the power of Ortega, a 72-year-old left-wing guerrilla who has ruled since 2007.

Police have "the commitment to clean up barricades at the national level at any price. Before the attacks, Masaya police chief Ramón Avellán

Masaya had declared a rebellion against the government since the anti-government demonstrations of April 18 that demanded the departure of the government of Ortega and his wife and vice -President. , Rosario Murillo

The presidential couple is accused by its opponents of establishing a dictatorship that controls all the powers of the state.

Masaya era Secretary of the Nicaraguan presidency, Paul Oquist, told AFP Tuesday in Brussels that "the attempted coup d'etat in Nicaragua is already over." and advocated ending the crisis through dialogue.

Meanwhile, Vice President Murillo celebrated the advance of the "liberation" of the cities and described the protesters as "a minority full of hatred". [ad_2]
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