Pablo Catatumbo will be released after suffering from a "feverish image"


Carlos Lozada member of Farc's political leadership, announces that the elected MP Pablo Catatumbo is stable and will leave the emergency room of Clínica Shaio After suffering from a virus

Saturday morning, the head of the Farc entered the emergency ward of the Shaio Clinic with a feverish state high and was placed under medical observation.

] Although there was a rumor that Catatumbo's admission was due to heart problems this version was belied by members of the FARC leadership who accompanied him to the medical center

. our party, this comrade Pablo Catatumbo is stable and will leave the emergency room in the next hours. @PCatatumbo_FARC @FARC_EPueblo

– Carlos A. Lozada (@Carlozada_FARC) July 8, 2018

"Fortunately we can inform the country and all the militancy of our party and friends that comrade Paul is well was admitted this morning in the emergency room and the data we have, it is that it was a virus, nothing serious of what to worry about, in the next hours it will be released ", affirmed.

Pablo Catatumbo will take up his duties as Senator of the Republic on July 20 at the Congress and will be part of the Farc Party bench, as established in the agreements signed between the Government and the demobilized guerrillas, who will have political participation.

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