Pacific Alliance Summit aims to strengthen strategic vision 2030 | National


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The summit will be marked by the presentation of a "document Luis Alfonso de Alba, Under-Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean The Chancellery of Mexico

This long-term plan seeks to suppose a before and after for this alliance created in 2011 between Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru, and which represents the eighth world economy with a population of 223 million

The four presidents will attend the summit: host Enrique Peña Nieto, Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile) and Martín Vizcarra (Peru)

In a joint statement that should "reaffirm the Commitment of the four countries to continue to move forward and agreed guidelines ", two documents will be signed in parallel to strengthen the alliance with Mercosur, a block composed of Brazil, Argentina, the 39; Urugua y and Paraguay

"We have a road map (with Mercosur), and we will complete it with a plan of action where we will do an exercise similar to the internal one, because it has a long vision term and covers broader issues ".

To symbolize this union between blocs, the leaders of Brazil, Michel Temer; Argentina, Mauricio Macri, and Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, will also participate in the summit.

Although the alliance is not positioning itself around controversies like the Venezuelan conflict, it will seek to strengthen its spirit in this summit. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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