"Peace Be Carried and Protected": Naranjo's Call to Naranjo at the UN


The Vice-President spoke today to the Security Council at the presentation of the third report of the Verification Mission. He spoke of achievements in implementation and said that we need to step up our efforts to continue reducing violence.

Vice President Óscar Naranjo, today in his speech to the UN Security Council. Vice Presidency

With a Call for the peace signed in Colombia must be taken care of and protected and emphasizing that the effort and direction of President Juan Manuel Santos to achieve this was not the Vice President Óscar Naranjo appeared today before the United Nations Security Council (19459012), where the mission was based on a political calculation but on the ethical belief that it was urgent to end 53 years of violence. The audit of this body presented a review of the implementation of the final agreement between the government and the FARC demobilized today, after 20 months of initialling

"End the conflict under this belief would mean that five decades of confrontation between us have been brought to have more than 8 "400,000 victims in our country. Caring for peace means complying with what has been agreed in the United States. Accord, it being understood that the word "compromise" is not that of a government but that of a State as a whole and, at the same time, that of society in general. Achieving peace, taking charge of it and protecting it means not ignoring the transcendent achievements that have been accomplished, "said Naranjo, not without first thanking the UN for its support for the whole process

. Today, the Vice President has reviewed the progress made so far in this implementation. He spoke, for example, of a destruction of weapons completed in just nine months ; the transformation of FARC into a political party with a current seat in Congress, and the transition to the legality of 13,000 ex-combatants, of whom, he said, more than 12,000 receive a basic monthly rent equal to 90% of the minimum wage and 9,000 are affiliated with the security and pension systems.

However, in compiling the earlier statements of Jean Arnault, director of the United Nations Verification Mission Naranjo acknowledged that the issue of reincorporation is critical. In this sense, he pointed out that although progress is being made to make productive projects a reality, it is not with the speed that we would like. And we must step up efforts to continue reducing violence: "We never tire of saying that in 2017, as a result of the Accord, Colombia recorded the lowest rate of violence. homicides of the last 42 years. However, we are sadly faced with a great contradiction in how these killings are decreasing, but at the same time threats and attacks against social leaders and human rights defenders have increased. "

Naranjo refers to the political pact against violence endorsed by all political actors in the country, which should become a tool that reflects the need to abandon what was ancient culture in the conflict, where death appeared as part of the solution. " Today, it is to save life as a supreme, superlative and sacred good around our society. Changing the logic of death for life is the great challenge and the great challenge we have after 50 years of war, "he declared

. Truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition created within the framework of the Peace Agreement . "Today, without triumphalism, we must say with satisfaction that we record with satisfaction how the special jurisdiction for peace, through its hearings, has given priority to the treatment of three tragedies that the war produces: the tragedy of abduction during 53 years of conflict, the tragedy of the recruitment of minors, children and adolescents, and at the same time what is known in my country as the case of false positives, "he said.

He added: "See today how these publics already allow to verify an administration of the transitional justice that will judge and punish at the same time those who were immersed in this internal armed conflict and who violated the law. , and ignored human rights, gives us the peace of mind that we are advancing, as we have said at times, in a balance between peace and justice, which is the only way to do that. the necessary balance to open the stages of reconciliation . "

The Vice President reiterated that peace involves institutionalizing the territories. And as for the roadmap now set, he stressed that the priority is the protection of life in areas where leaders have begun to make their voices heard to participate democratically. And in a second point is to overcome what he considers to be the historical tragedy of Colombia: the drug trafficking of the momentum to the substitution strategy of cultures, while that # 39, it must strengthen the action against the "We are not naive: Colombia is under pressure from transnational drug trafficking organizations that want to persist in this illegal task, and in this sense the certainty of this Council is that President Santos's government, until the last minute In the end, Vice President Oscar Naranjo put on the table the desire that the Colombian peace process be an example for other nations to defeat. violence and disagreements, with a message to the new government. "We know that it is a little romantic in a world dotted with so many conflicts, to think that the Colombian case is the paradigmatic case. But we know that there is an innovation effort, based on ethics, based on the political pragmatism and based on the international accompaniment that allows today. to say at the end of the government: thank you, in the badurance that the government is coming to us, where President Iván Duque-elected said that he would continue and not tear up the agreements, will ensure that Colombia continues to follow the path of a lasting peace building . "

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