"Peace goes through a turbulence that can push it into the abyss" | THE CRANKERS REINVENTED | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


In a letter addressed to Jean Arnault, head of the Second United Nations Verification Mission (UN), former FARC chief negotiator and senator-elect, Iván Márquez and Hernán Dario Velásquez (aka El Paisa) they asked to the agency and the European Union to "save the peace" before the problems that the implementation of the agreements went through.

"The peace of Colombia is going through a dangerous turbulence that can certainly push it towards the abyss.Only the mobilization of the Colombian people to defend the harmony and the reaction of international organizations such as the United States. UN and the European Union can save the peace, "says the letter.

The document also talks about the killing of social leaders, who are shown in the country where they said" we are still waiting for a peremptory response from neutralization on the part of the authorities to the demon death decapitating the social leaders in Colombia. "

They also denounced that since last Friday certain operations were carried out in the Territorial Training and Reintegration Space (ETCR) of Miravalle (Caquetá) by the troops" This novelty which brings back to life the environments of war that we considered obsolete happens after the overflights of intelligence and drone planes, "she added.They maintain on the Miravalle ETCR, a situation that we timely informed the Vice President of the Republic A series of unfortunate events generated by the state are worryingly undermining credibility and confidence in the peace process, "they said.

Similarly, they badured that the detention of Jesús Santrich rests on "lies of the public prosecutor" of the Nation, an injustice that has been prolonged in time by the indifference of those who can and must declare their li In addition, the demobilized FARC leaders have indicated that violations of some of the important issues for the end of the conflict such as political and rural reform, the replacement of illicit crops, among others, are putting the suspense on hold. implementation of peace agreements.

"We refer to the violations of the substance of the agreement for the end of the conflict, such as the collapse of the political reform by the Congress." In the forgetting of the integral Rural Reform when the problem of non-possession of the land has been considered as the main cause of the conflict that we are trying to set up.The transfiguration of the substitution of crops for illicit use in forced eradication, thus deceiving peasants , who also do not receive differential penal treatment, "said the letter in the same sense

. the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) where they have badured that the latest events do not allow them to "run away" because it was designed for all parties involved in the conflict and not just for one.

Today, it is not the CEP we agreed on in Havana. This is another thing after it pbades into the hands of the Prosecutor, the Congress, the Court and the executive power itself. In its destruction, all branches of public power that seem united around impunity for the powerful participated, "they said in the letter

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