Peak and temporary plate returns to Manizales



The peak and temporary plaque at Manizales will return next month. As of August 1, the city's three main avenues will again have restrictions on rush-hour vehicles

The decision was made by the Traffic Secretariat to inaugurate the Mall Plaza which opens its doors. doors on August 16th.

According to the entity, a sector badysis was performed to verify the behavior of the traffic. Simulations showed that chaos would be generated in the region and that is why it was decided to restrict the movement of individuals.

"We want the citizens to be informed of the peak and the plaque that we are going to put in coordinated at the opening of the Plaza Mall, we wish to apologize to the citizens for the inconveniences caused," said Carlos Alberto Gaviria Marín, Secretary of Transit, in a statement.

Another reason why the Secretariat took into account construction work on the La Carola interchange. The goal of generating better mobility in the city.


Santander Avenue from 33rd Street to 65th Street, El Cable

Avenue Kevin Ángel from the Neira exit to San Rafael Glorieta.

Paralela Avenue from 37th Street, in Ondas de Otún, until 62nd Street.


6:30 am to 8:30 am

11:30 am to 2:30 pm

5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

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