Pedro Carreño: "The Sukhoi will overthrow the bridges of Colombia" when they attack Venezuela | NTN24


Representative Pedro Carreño argued that if Venezuela is militarily attacked from Colombia, the country would have the right to respond to the attack.

In an interview on the program José Vicente Hoy, the leader of the PSUV said that in such a scenario, the neighboring country would suffer the first consequences.

"Our Sukhoi will have the responsibility to destroy the seven bridges of the Magdalena they crossed from north to south to divide Colombia in two," he said, showing a map of the nation of New Granada.

Carreño said that the "economic war" put the country in a scenario requiring the government to adopt radical measures.

"If it's a war, I think it's time for us to take war action." Chávez has equipped the FAN with excellent electronic warfare units, where are these units that we do not use to hack these Dollar pages? we can wait for them to overthrow us.

He argued that the current measures adopted by the executive are anachronistic and will not be used in the current socio-political context.

"This is not the Sundde that will solve the problem. Closing a business as an action to solve the problem of supply crisis is the game of war. "

He indicated that this week will establish seven working groups in the constituent to make a series of recommendations to the national government

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