Penalty Act regulating payments to resident physicians with specialization


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July 13, 2018 – 13:52
2018-07-13 By:


President Santos sanctioned the 1917 law that regulates the payment of at least three legal salaries to resident medical specialists.

the teaching-service relationship will serve as a mediator in the resident's training practice contract, as a special contracting firm whose purpose is the training of medical specialists in medical surgical programs, whereby the resident is to provide the duration of the academic program, a personal service (…) in exchange for which he receives from the institution providing health services, remuneration which constitutes a support for a monthly educational support, as well as the conditions, means and resources necessary for formative development, "says the law.

Until this Friday, doctors in Colombia who received specialized training in a field of medicine did not not received any kind of remuneration during academic training.

The law also provides for penalties ranging from the payment of 50 to 500 monthly minimum wages in public or private entities that do not comply with the payment Residents, or do not provide them with the appropriate conditions to practice their profession.

"Except in cases of urgency established in the standard for institutions providing health services, the dedication of the resident in the institutions providing the health service, and private, may not exceed 12 hours per quarter of work and 66 hours a week, which for all intents and purposes should include academic activities, health services and research. "

Minister of Health Alejandro Gaviria wrote on Twitter : "Some time ago, I signed the law on residents. Congratulations to your promoters and medical specialists. I celebrate the union of the sector around a just cause. "

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