Perez asked Duque for railway support


The governor of Antioquia, Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, yesterday called the elected president Iván Duque for the new national government to make contributions for the reactivation of the road to iron, one of the flagship programs of the government. The request was made yesterday during the delivery of the shield of Antioquia, gold category, to the new president.

41% of the cost of recovering the rail system would come from future flows that would generate the Ituango hydroelectric project. However, after the emergency that arose during the construction of the megaproject, the funding had to be reconsidered, with the request to the Nation of 1 billion dollars.

"I call President Duque, so that in the government plan, consider investing in the completion and completion of the railway Antioquia," said Pérez [19659003] The decoration was delivered to the Plaza Mayor and had the participation of the Mayor of Medellín, Santiago Gómez who expressed his support for the incoming agent.

In l 39; event, the book of the new president of the nation was presented, entitled "Archeology of my father", which brings together the experiences of Iván Duque Escobar who was governor of Antioquia between 1981 and 1982.

The governor Pérez author of the book's prologue, said that drug trafficking is the main problem facing society and made it one. He called on the new national government to adopt policies aimed at eradicating this illicit traffic.

Duque af lawfulness his father in his speech and & # 39; designated as & # 39; one of the great leaders of the ministry. He also said that Colombia needs new initiatives that allow the employer to not feel overwhelmed by the rules and procedures that hinder his work or make him legally insecure. "I want to be the president of social justice and we need public investment in places that have been excluded, and peace will only be possible when we defeat drug trafficking with the firmness of the state. of social law ", declared Duque

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