Peruvian Airlines will begin flights to Chile in September | Trade | Economy | Business


Peruvian Airlines announced three new air routes that will start operating this year. One of them is the route Lima – Santiago (Chile) that will begin in September this year.

"We are a bit late, but we hope to announce our inaugural flight to the city of Santiago (Chile) no later than next September," said the general manager of the airline Alberto López Bustillo, Au early in the year, the airline planned to launch such operations in the middle of the year 2018. According to López, the delay is due to the fact that the number of pbadengers has increased in recent months, which has increased the occupation capacity of

Faced with this, the company acquired two new aircraft, which will arrive in Lima next week. In total, they will bring to Lima four planes (Boeing 737-300) which will be added to the 12 planes with which they already have "At the end of the year, we will have 16 planes in total", he said. declared.

He also informed that permits that will allow flights to Chile should be issued next week.

The other two routes will be Lima – Quito (Ecuador) and Lima – Bogotá (Colombia) for October and November, respectively.

In 2019, Lopez also commented that they are hoping to announce the route Lima – Buenos Aires (Argentina).

The company is the second largest domestic airline, with 12.3% of the total number of pbadengers traveling nationwide.

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