Petro fined 580 million pesos and other news in the data – Other cities – Colombia


EL TIEMPO presents, in figures, some news of Thursday, July 5, so that he is well informed.

Gustavo Petro's salary is fined 580 million pesos

In 2015, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce He fined Gustavo Petro a fine of more than 419 millions of pesos. Currently, the value of the sanction exceeds 580 million, due to late interest.

The sanction was imposed for the violation of the free economic competition for the design and the implementation of the system of cleaning of Bogotá during its city hall
the superintendence will then take a fifth of the salary of Petro as senator .

The six Colombians who will be at the Tour de France

Egan Bernal, Rigoberto Uran, Daniel Felipe Martinez, Nairo Quintana, Darwin Atapuma and Fernando Gaviria are the names of those who will represent Colombia in the 2018 Tour.

Egan Bernal and Daniel Felipe Martínez will be his first participation in this race.

Iván Duque has a favorable rating of 56%

According to the Gallup bi-monthly survey, the image of President-elect Iván Duque increased by four percentage points compared to April this year, where it was 52%.

Those disappeared by the Fuego volcano in Guatemala are 332

In addition to 113 deaths, according to authorities, those who disappeared by the eruption of the Fuego volcano have reached 332.

Having examined the entity records and The list of people in shelters, the National Coordinator for Disaster Prevention corrected the number, since it was estimated that they were 197.

However, some civilian volunteers denounce that They are around 3,000.

Rediscovering four amphibians in Colombia and Ecuador that we thought were extinct

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announced the rediscovery of four species of amphibians. amphibians considered extinct in Colombia and Ecuador.

IUCN described as good news the discovery of these species, despite the high levels of threat that amphibians face worldwide. It is the Jambato River, the Black Jambato, a native frog from Ecuador; and Atelopus nanay, a species also endemic to Ecuador.


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