"Phone-in love": the use of mobile phones affects the privacy of almost half of Argentines


A new scientific study from Harvard University gave new results to hyper-connected and increasingly dependent Argentinian users

The concern arose from a common problem in those times : what happens if our relationship with mobile phones affects our personal relationships?

On this point, although it sounds crazy, the mobile device industry He pushed the initiative. Moreover, the staging of this problem was made last February at the last edition of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

To find out about this impact, Dr. Nancy Etcoff, a specialist in mind behavior, brain and happiness science at Harvard University, conducted a study consisting of ten questions focused on two questions : badyzing the behavior and habits of smartphone use in different generations to understand the impact they have on relationships with oneself, with others and with the physical and social environment.

The anonymous and online test, carried out through an agreement between the academic institution, Motorola and the mobile phone manufacturers, has allowed users to be supervised on five levels: Sapiens, Conscious of the Phone, Phone Lovers, Phone Fanatics and Phone Dependents

After leading the campaign in more than 40 countries, the Argentines were also They were subjected to this anonymous and online test to identify how much of the relationship with their smartphone they were. A total of 46,000 people participated, including 67.75% men and 31.27% women.

According to the test, the average user of Argentina has a greater balance using his smartphone than the rest of the countries in the region. 38% of Argentines are sensitive to the phone, that is to say that they live with their phone "but not in it". He uses it to save time and energy that he could invest in things that really matter to him. He knows that the balance between the cell phone and his life is something he needs to take care of and works to maintain it.

13% of Argentines can be clbadified as phone-sapiens. These are people who have reached a good balance when they use their phone, and who really live life and not through a screen. They use it little and nothing. They know that the cell phone is essential and created to be used as a tool that has the quality of making life easier.

The second largest group, which lights the warning light, with 34.6%, was the level that is exactly the middle of the scale: the phone 's love. These are people who feel anxious when they do not have the phone nearby, and who use it anytime just because it is there . Good manners would mark when it should be used and when not, but this group does not always stick to it. Without going further, more than 90% of Argentines say they have checked their smartphone only to check if anything had happened, but nothing had changed since the last time they had watched it.

Among the personalities put forward by Nancy Etcoff are also the fanatics of the phone, punctually, 14% of Argentinean users. These are those users inclined to obsess with their cell phone. In fact, they never extinguish it, even at night by his bed.

But the worst features are at the highest level of the category: the phone's dependents, those who never stop using their phones. Although they are less than 1% of Argentines, their relationship with the mobile phone leads them to see him again in the morning, before sleeping, when they can in reality. Even, sometimes, they discover themselves by looking at it without knowing for what they have consulted it. Separate yourself from your phone, even for a few minutes, and you will feel stressed. This category includes users whose addiction deteriorates the relationship with their family and friends.

Another crucial piece of information for Argentines: 64% go with their phone to the bathroom. On the other hand, in Latin America, more than 126,000 people from Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Colombia were able to discover the relationship with their phone through this test. Encouraging data at the continental level is that 54% of this sample would be willing to give up their mobile phone for a month before bad. Although it also means that almost half, prefer the opposite.

On the other hand, a surprising fact is that 15% of Latin American users spend the 24 hours of their day with the smartphone at their fingertips. In this sense, 35% of participants do not find it uncomfortable to accept that their smartphone is the best friend when they are in the bathroom. 65% of the remaining participants check their phone for notifications before getting up in the morning and a big trigger for this anxiety is that their companions are doing it before them, since over 74% also said that they would probably check their cellphone as soon as one of his friends does the same.


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